Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS)




What is an SKU - What does it use for in logistics?

What is an SKU - What does it use for in logistics?

Jul 25, 2024

In logistics, the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) has emerged as a fundamental tool for managing inventory effectively. With the growing emphasis on efficiency and precision in warehouse operations, understanding SKUs and their diverse types is crucial.

What is an SKU and Its Importance in Logistics

A Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is an alphanumeric code assigned to each unique item in a warehouse. This code is vital for distinguishing products and tracking them through various stages of storage and sales. In implementing SKUs, inventory managers can maintain accurate records of product movement, monitor stock levels, and streamline order fulfillment processes.

SKUs improve inventory accuracy, help identify products quickly, optimize warehouse space, aid in demand analysis, and inform stocking decisions for businesses.

Types of SKUs in Logistics

Understanding the different types of SKUs is essential for implementing an effective inventory management system. The primary types of SKUs include:

  1. Simple SKUs: These are the most basic form of SKUs, identifying a single product without considering any variations such as color or size. For instance, a simple SKU for a blue industrial beam might be "BEAM-001".
  2. Attribute-based SKUs: These SKUs incorporate additional information about product attributes like color, size, or style. For example, a blue XL beam would be coded as "BEAM-XL-BLUE-001".
  3. Hierarchical SKUs: Used to organize products into a hierarchy, hierarchical SKUs are particularly useful in warehouses with a broad range of items. An example would be "PALLET-RACK-BEAM-XL-BLUE-001", where each part of the code represents a different level of the product hierarchy.
  4. Combined SKUs: These SKUs are used for products sold in packages or sets. A combined SKU might look like "PACK-001-BEAM-001x3-BEAM-002x2", indicating a package containing multiple beams.

Each type of SKU serves a specific purpose, allowing businesses to tailor their inventory management strategies to their unique needs.

SKUs in Warehouse Management

Implementing SKUs effectively requires a strategic approach. The first step is to design a consistent SKU structure that reflects the attributes remarkable to your inventory. This might include manufacturer details, product dimensions, and other relevant characteristics.

Once the structure is defined, it's crucial to apply SKUs uniformly across all products. Consistency is key to avoiding confusion and ensuring that every item is accurately tracked. Additionally, it's important to train warehouse staff on the significance of SKUs and how to use them correctly. Clear guidelines and regular audits can help maintain the integrity of the SKU system.

Another critical aspect is avoiding common pitfalls in SKU implementation. For instance, overly complex SKUs can lead to errors and slow down processes. Striking a balance between detail and simplicity is essential. Regularly reviewing and updating SKUs is also important to keep up with changes in the inventory and product lines.

Impact of SKUs on Warehouse Design and Operations

SKUs have a profound impact on the design and operation of warehouses. The choice of storage facilities is heavily influenced by the nature and volume of SKUs being handled. For small, diverse products, long span shelving might be appropriate, while bulkier items might necessitate pallet racking systems.

Well-defined SKUs are also essential for high-density storage systems. Effective SKU management will save both floor and vertical space, providing easier access to high-demand products. This organization also supports efficient picking systems, such as batch picking or zone picking, based on the SKU data.

Automation heavily relies on SKUs. Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS) need accurate SKU data to function well. These systems boost productivity by speeding up retrieval times and cutting down on manual work. Additionally, SKUs help ensure clear labeling and signage in the warehouse, making products easy to find.


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